Why an ecommerce coach is your secret to online retail success

Why do you need an eCommerce coach?

It’s a widely-cited statistic that businesses that survive the longest have a business or eCommerce coach, but so often we focus on the numbers without really understanding why this is the case.

eCommerce mentoring is one of the fastest ways to scale your business, supercharge your success and earn genuine profits from your online store. 

As well as this, it gets you into the right mindset to sustain your wins long-term - remember: good business is a marathon, not a sprint. As an eCommerce coach (and real business owner) of almost seven years, I’ve learned a thing or two about why eCommerce mentoring is so important for aspiring entrepreneurs.

eCommerce coaches help you see the grass from the trees.

Your mind, your attention, your everything will be pulled into a million different directions every minute of the day. 

Aside from the external pulls - manufacturers, creatives, customers, writers, influencers, developers all wanting a slice of your attention - you’ll play operator to all of the internal ones, too. Your own brain will write you a neverending to-do list with mental notification dings louder than any push software on the market.

An eCommerce coach helps you to unbog yourself from the tedious tasks that really just don’t matter. They get you out of the daily mulch and into the high-level work that moves all lines up and to the right, with guidance on how to get all of that other stuff simply taken care of

Without that guiding light, it’s too easy to stay down there, wiling away on jobs that matter in no way to the bottom line of the business.

eCommerce coaches help you to scale, not to grow. 

There’s a huge difference between growing and scaling. Growth are the seeds sprouting up from the soil; small signs of life starting to appear. 

One more sale a week. One more hundred to the revenue report. An extra 50 impressions. A handful more website visitors. 

Scaling is growth, supercharged. It’s the same amount of output for so much more reward: 5x more sales, a strategy to upsell 50% more per order, repeat customer ordering accounting for a much higher customer lifetime value, advanced email marketing to better the customer experience and branding that really sets you apart. 

They give you more bang for your buck in a big way. Through tactics, lessons and advice that’s beyond helping you see a few small-time wins, eCommerce coaches offer real insight that, if applied, makes serious waves to how you do business, and what you see from your efforts.

eCommerce coaches help you with outcomes unique to you.

The same can be said for business as for people: no two are the same. That’s true even if you have a business that offers a product in a relatively saturated market. 

There are unique and important variables to each one, so an eCommerce coach can help you with tailored and personalised advice that understands what you have to work with, and your unique dreams for your online business.

Take my client at Millwood's Shoes, who really wanted to crack the code on social media advertising. This was the medium her fortune cookie pointed to - where her customers were spending time online, were the quickest to buy from and where she enjoyed advertising. Implementing high-performing Facebook Ads with my coaching has seen Alana build a profitable and low-touch business that aligns with her lifestyle goals.

Consider Jess*, too. She needed the technical know-how to turn her already thriving online business into one that hit the monthly six-figure revenue mark - with only a few strategic tech hacks and automations. Together, we implemented them, helping her turn her $30,000-something revenue into $70,000 within two months.

eCommerce coach help you to make sense of the numbers.

It’s very easy to drown in the numbers if they don’t come easily to you. 

And if you’re like any of the business owners I coach who started their business for the lifestyle factor (i.e. they were former nurses, assistants, teachers, drivers, stylists, travel agents, directors, cops), the numbers can seem very foreign.

An eCommerce coach will help you to understand what the numbers mean, how to interpret them, how to improve them and how to customise them. Whether it’s gross total, abandonment rate, net profit, CTR, ROI, AOV, LTV or NPS, they’re here to help you make sense of the swirling vortex of digits.

eCommerce coaches are real-world matchmakers.

To put it bluntly: they’re a walking Tinder for business owners. eCommerce coaches know, by sheer volume of students, many people running brands on the same journey as you. They nurture and facilitate communities of people who really get the struggle of owning an online business.

For example, my online members-only Facebook group have shared with one another the highs and lows of many a good and bad day. Whether it be cracking their first $1,000 day, dealing with their worst customer complaint, experiencing an unusually high returns month, hiring their first team member or dealing with a website crash, they’re a fantastic support net for one another.

Working with an eCommerce coach such as Jodie gives you unfettered access to thousands just like you. On this wild ride of business, that community is what keeps you going some days.