Strategies to boost your online store sales my interview with Sagar Dhawan

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on Sagar's podcast, Tweaking Tips for Shopify. Today, I'm excited to share with you some of the key strategies and tips we discussed to help you tweak your Shopify website for better sales.

About ten years ago, while living in Dubai, I began my entrepreneurial journey. At the time, I was working full-time in corporate pharmaceuticals and felt disconnected from my children's lives and unfulfilled in my career. This led me to start my own business, aiming for something online that could be managed remotely. Initially, I ventured into organic baby products with my business, Willow Tree Organics, but soon realised there was little interest in my products at local market stalls.

Observing the popularity of women's clothing stalls, I pivoted my business to focus on one-size-fits-all caftans and kimonos. I rebranded my business to Island Company and found success selling these products at markets. The realisation that online sales required a different strategy led me to rebuild my website with the help of Sagar, ultimately leading to my eCommerce success.

Tweaking Tips for Shopify

1. Optimising Product Pages

One of the key points I emphasised on the podcast is the importance of having detailed and visually appealing product pages. Here are some elements to focus on:

  • High-quality images from multiple angles (front, back, side, and close-up).
  • Videos showing the product in use.
  • Detailed product descriptions highlighting features and benefits.
  • Clear information about materials and care instructions.
  • Styling suggestions to help customers envision how to use the product.
  • Customer reviews to build trust and provide social proof.

2. Enhancing the Homepage

The homepage should immediately communicate what your business offers. My advice includes:

  • A clear and concise statement about what you sell.
  • A hero banner showcasing bestsellers or new arrivals.
  • Ensuring the above-the-fold content (visible without scrolling) is compelling and informative.

3. Leveraging Customer Reviews

Reviews are crucial for building credibility. I used the Stamped app to automate review requests and display customer photos. This approach not only increased trust but also provided authentic images of the products in use.

4. Effective List Building

Building an email list is essential for driving repeat traffic and sales. I found great success with a "spin the wheel" pop-up that incentivised sign-ups with discounts. This gamified approach significantly boosted my subscriber list and sales.

Common Pitfalls and Lessons Learned

1. Overinvesting in Professional Photos

While high-quality images are important, I warn against overspending on professional photo shoots, especially early on. I found more cost-effective ways to get good photos, such as hiring non-fashion photographers and skipping stylists.

2. Expensive Website Designs

Investing heavily in a website design without understanding your ideal customer or best-selling products can be a costly mistake. I learned to start with a more affordable and flexible solution, refining it as the business grew.

Focus on Conversion Rates

Conversion rates are a key metric to monitor. A typical conversion rate is around 1%, but this can vary based on factors like sales promotions and product availability. Monitoring this metric over longer periods provides a clearer picture of performance.

Driving Traffic

Once your website is optimised, focus on driving traffic. This includes:

  • Email marketing and list building.
  • Organic social media marketing.
  • Paid advertising, such as Facebook and Instagram ads, which become crucial for scaling up sales.

Now, I dedicates my expertise to helping others build and scale their online stores, mainly on platforms like Shopify, Wix, and WooCommerce. I focus on optimising product pages with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews. Her story is a testament to perseverance and strategic planning, serving as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Are you ready to follow in this footsteps and create your own successful eCommerce store? Remember, success isn't just about the passion; it’s about the strategy and resources you leverage. To learn more about how work with me, visit