95. How 'above the line' thinking can transform your business

Season #3

Mindset plays such a huge part of your business journey, your success and your enjoyment of the experience.

Someone recently shared this incredibly powerful behavioural model with me and it was like a lightbulb switched on.  It's so simple and easy to understand, and once you have learnt it too, it's an incredible way to stop and check in and be aware of how we show up in business in life.

This philosophy is 'Above the line versus below the line' thinking and behaviours.  And once you learn it you will be looking at everyone around you and assessing whether they are operating above vs. below the line.

In short, if you imagine a horizontal line drawn across a page.  The line signifies the choice in how you have decided to show up, think about or react to a situation.

Above the line thinking is having the self-awareness to stop and ask yourself:

  • What are my responsibilities here?
  • How can I accept what's happening without blaming someone else?
  • Where I can take ownership and accountability?How d
  • id I contribute to this?
  • What could I be doing differently?
  • Where is my role in this situation?
  • How can I make a difference?
  • How can I be helpful and of service to someone else?
  • How can I cooperate?
  • How can I support?
  • How can I add value?
  • How can I involve the right people?


Versus below the line where you are reacting in a way where are you defence and passing blame including:


  • Denial
  • Excuses and justification
  • 'They're wrong'
  • 'It’s not my fault'
  • It's got to be my way
  • I don’t trust what they're saying

I see this below the line thinking in 'I don't have time'.... We all have the same 24 hours in the day but we have a choice (for the most part) on what we prioritise and spend our time on.  Often a choice was made throughout the day where something else was priorities (such as doom scrolling on Instagram) versus doing that task you are now saying you didn't have time to do.

How are you operating in your business and life? Are you spending a lot of time 'above the line' or have you slipped 'below the line'?  This is your cue to stop and reflect.

Here's some helpful resources to learn more about this concept:





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