37. 5 Ways to Stay Positive AND Profitable During An Economic Downturn

Season #2

Welcome to this episode of Online Store Success. Today I’m chatting about 5 x things you can do in order to stay positive, stay profitable and have your business still ticking along during difficult times.

I know you’ve seen the news where it’s mostly all doom and gloom including the cost of living crisis and increasing interest rates which can make us want to completely throw out our business because everything feels heavy and people aren’t spending.

But I want to let you know that people ARE STILL definitely spending.  I see it day after day in my student's businesses and I know I’m still personally spending (and yes I most certainly do have a mortgage!).

I want to reassure you that despite the news headlines click-baiting us at every chance they can, we don’t have to buy into it.  And while yes things are tough for many people right now, there are things we can do to remain both positive and profitable in business.

Tune into the episode to hear my 5 ways to stay positive and profitable during an economic downturn today.