32. 5 x Ways to win with Facebook Ads this year

Season #2

5 x Ways to win with Facebook ads right now - without wasting money or spiralling into a vortex of ads manager doom. 


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 So what’s working right now in Facebook ads you ask?  Tune in to hear exactly what is (and isn't working right now) in Facebook ads land. 


For the speed readers, below is a high-level re-cap.

1. Broad audiences 

  • Broad audiences are great for so many reasons - not just because it makes ad creation super easy, but because:
  • They don’t burn out after a few days 
  • They give us cheaper results - for every customisation we ask of Facebook we get charged extra
  • Interests don’t necessarily work anymore after IOS updates
  • They rely on machine learning which is what FB recommends (and rewards us with lower CPCS)

If you aren’t using broad audiences right now - it’s time to try them!

2. Dynamic creatives- do the testing for you, lets the algorithm find the best combination

Dynamic creatives are my new go-to and are like the lazy girls' guide to both building and testing which ads your audience wants to see.

Toggle on the ‘Dynamic creatives’ button at the ad set level and then when you get to the ad creation stage, you can load up to 10 different visuals, 5 text options, 5 headlines, 5 link descriptions and 5 calls to action.

Pro tip - don’t use ALL of the options if you are running a low-budget campaign, as it will spread your ad spend across all of the combinations and you will find it takes FOREVER for any one ad combination to have enough spend allocated to it to be successful.

3. Account simplification

It’s time to stop running ads like it’s 2015.  Gone are the days of having hundreds of ad sets testing for single interests audiences, and then different creatives (and then duplicating those testing against CBO vs ABO)

The new way forward is fewer campaigns, with fewer ad sets within them.

And as a busy eCommerce business owner that is probably trying to do ALL of the things, I’m sure you don’t have time to stare at column after column in ads manager trying to figure out the winners.

It's time for fewer campaigns, and less complicated funnels and Im sure for many this will be welcome news!

4. Lower daily budgets  

Yep, this one is new - starting your campaigns at a lower daily spend seems to be rewarding advertisers with a lower cost per conversion than starting the campaign at a super high budget.

There is lots of discussion around daily budgets and that starting your campaign on our lower daily budget makes FB work harder for your dollars, in comparison to a much higher daily budget where FB has more runway and ad spend to burn through.

If you are starting ads at $200 a day and they aren’t getting you the CPCs you want, try recreating that ad on $80 a see if there’s a difference. 

Pro-tip. Set yourself ‘rules or benchmarks’ as to when to turn off ads. If historically your cost per sale from FB ads is $50 per sale and you’ve created a new campaign that’s spent $200 without a sale, I’d switch it off and try again.  If you want to run the test I mentioned, be sure to let the $ 80-day campaign reach the same total spend amount as what your $ 200-a-day ad hit, before you turned it off. That way you are comparing apples with apples. 

5. Outside-of-the-box retargeting strategies 

As I mentioned before, broad audiences are what FB wants us to use, and reward us with cheaper CPCs. But what if you want to retarget your warmest audiences?  Sure, you can create a conversion campaign retargeting them but what you will probably find is that the cost per sale in the retargeting ad is higher than the cost per sale in the broad campaign.  Remember every customisation (ie. specific audience) we ask of FB, the higher the price we pay. 

So this flips everything we know about retargeting on its head, right?

Here are some strategies that you could try:

  • Choose a different objective for your retargeting audience such as clicks, landing page views, video views, reach or awareness.  While these ads won’t be optimised for SALES, this audience is lower-hanging fruit so to speak, so having them reminded to click back through to your site for another look via a traffic ad, might still convert.
  • Switch conversion retargeting ads on and off for certain time frames, rather than letting them run continuously.  Post-IOS changes mean Facebook doesn’t know exactly who those retargeting folks are if they have opted out of tracking, so that means your audience size has shrunk significantly and they will see your ad over and over and over again if the ad is left to run continuously.
  • Retarget 'on Facebook' or Instagram audiences as Facebook can pinpoint these users as the actions were performed on their platform.

I hope you found this jam-packed episode helpful!

🤗 If you want to unpack these 5 tips in more detail including campaign set-up tutorials  - register your place at my upcoming One-Ad-Wonder workshops.  

👉🏻Get your tickets are www.adswithjodie.com 

🤩Want me INSIDE your ads manager, coaching you, auditing and advising you on your ads each week? Put your name down for eComm Ads Academy - my 12-week coaching program that helps established eCommerce business owners confidently launch and manage profitable Facebook ads with ease (even if you're terrified about wasting money) so you can consistently scale sales and profits with 100% control over your business.

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See you in the next episode!