Unlocking business growth: How outsourcing a VA can transform your e-commerce business

In the hustle of building and managing an eCommerce business, the myriad demands can stretch even the most seasoned entrepreneur thin. It's not uncommon to find business owners juggling customer service, marketing, and day-to-day operations—often at the cost of their personal lives and, ironically, their company's potential to scale efficiently. Recognising the stressful reality of the entrepreneurial grind, today I'm excited to share with you a compelling conversation with Michelle from the Outsourcing Crew who build a successful VA team that empowers businesses worldwide.

Michelle’s story begins in Manila, where despite a humble upbringing, her parents' emphasis on education paved the way for her ambitions. Her journey took her from Manila to Dubai with just $400 and a civil engineering degree, eventually leading her to the sunny shores of Australia's Gold Coast.

Her transition from a structured engineering career to founding the Outsourcing Crew was driven by a simple yet powerful realisation: providing women with opportunities could change the world. This belief led her to harness the potential of virtual assistants (VAs) from the Philippines, starting a business that would empower women by offering them sustainable career paths from their home regions.

This episode of “Online Store Success,” learn about the transformational story behind outsourcing, starting a side hustle, and navigating the challenges and victories of entrepreneurial life. You can listen to the full podcast episode here or watch the interview here.


Michelle on Starting and Scaling an Outsourcing Crew

The Leap from Side Hustle to Full-Time Passion

Michelle candidly shares the dual life of managing a burgeoning side hustle alongside a full-time job, a relatable scenario for many entrepreneurs. The turning point came during the COVID-19 pandemic when she was stranded in the Philippines. This unexpected stay allowed her to connect deeply with her team and clients, ultimately convincing her that her passion project deserved her full-time attention.
In mid-2022, Michelle took the plunge and turned her side hustle into a full-time endeavour, marking a new chapter of growth and fulfilment.

The Outsourcing Crew: Not Your Average VA Agency

The Outsourcing Crew stands out by not just offering virtual assistance but by creating significant life changes for both the VAs and the clients they serve. They handle everything from administrative tasks to complex project management, proving indispensable to business owners across various industries.
Michelle emphasises the importance of community and support, values that resonate deeply within their company culture. She personally interviews each VA, ensuring they not only fit the skill requirements but also the supportive, communal workplace she champions.

A Culture of Empowerment and Growth

The impact of the Outsourcing Crew extends beyond professional boundaries. It's about empowering women, offering them respectable wages, and enabling them to stay with their families while pursuing careers. Michelle shares stories of VAs who have transformed their lives, affording cars and funding education, all while working from their hometowns.

The Future and Beyond

As the business continues to grow, Michelle reflects on the necessity of occasionally hitting the "pause button." This practice allows for reassessment and realignment with core values and goals, a strategy she recommends to any business owner feeling overwhelmed or under pressure.

Michelle’s journey and the work of the Outsourcing Crew underscore a powerful message about the impact of thoughtful entrepreneurship. It's a story of career transformation, empowerment, and the profound effect of providing meaningful opportunities to women across the globe.

For business owners feeling the weight of their responsibilities, Michelle and the Outsourcing Crew offer not just services, but a partnership that supports and grows with your business.


Are you inspired by Michelle’s story or think a virtual assistant could help scale your business operations, consider reaching out to the Outsourcing Crew.