Managing Your Time

Top 3 tips for managing your time

Is the sparkle of Christmas and New Year starting to feel a bit like a distant memory as your to-do list and responsibilities are starting to climb? This is your time to take control.

I hear you!

I'm all for juggling hats and I multi-task like a boss but often things sit on my to-do list for way too long and it causes more stress and anxiety because I know it's important, but I'm just not able to get to it.

Sound familiar? 

It's time to make a change and to help, here are my Top 3 Tips for Managing your Time (during the school holidays!)


Managing time is about managing yourself but too often we think that means squeezing as much as possible into our days before falling asleep on the couch exhausted only to get up and do it again tomorrow.

You can not do your best work or be there for your family if you don't take time to look after you - and if you have to schedule that time, do it! 

Go for a long walk, run a bath, get a massage, or make yourself a healthy meal. Whatever self-care looks like for you is perfect! 



Yes, it can be hard to loosen your grip on tasks, and yes, it's most likely that other people won't do something as good as you - but done is going to feel far less stressful then not-done.

Maybe it's time to consider hiring some help? Or maybe you can recruit from within and assign household tasks to family members?

Look at your to-do list and ask yourself honestly, what is on the list that someone else could do, then put their initial against each item. You now have a set of tasks for your team to jump on, or to discuss with your family. 



Setting boundaries can feel very uncomfortable for those who like to put everyone else's priorities ahead of their own... however I strongly encourage you to give this ago. 

Look at your schedule for the coming week and find a time (ideally the same time) that you have the best chance of getting work done... then sit down with your family and friends and let them know that your work time is going to be between 9 am and 11 am weekends (for example) and that they are not to disturb you doing this time. Let them know that outside of your designated work times you will be available to help them or to go on picnics in the park. 


By following these tips you'll have taken some great important steps towards managing your time better when working from home these school holidays. Ask yourself which tip will make the most difference in your life and start with that one – you'll find yourself becoming more productive than ever before!


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