Millwoods shoes business success

Building a successful business takes more than just passion—it's a blend of resilience, strategic insights, and of course—power tools. But even with these, the road to success is not without its challenges. Cash flow management, the balance between personal well-being and business demands, and the stark realities of running a business from a remote location are constant tests of resilience.

In episode 71 of the Online Store Success, we had an incredibly insightful chat with Jane Robertson, the powerhouse behind Millwoods Shoes. Jane shared her business blueprint from streamlining operations to harnessing the might of marketing platforms. You can listen to the full podcast episode here or watch the interview here.

Here’s a recap of what we discussed.

Shopify and Xero: The Heartbeat of Operation

If you've been around the eCommerce yard, you'd know that Shopify sits on the throne of online store platforms. Featuring prominently in Jane's operational strategy, Shopify serves as the linchpin for Millwoods’s online sales, hosting their sleek product offerings and facilitating seamless customer experiences. Paired with Xero, the dynamic duo of Shopify and the cloud-based accounting software synergetically ensures Millwoods's transactions are as smooth as their Linton loafers.

The Revenue-Generating Wizardry of Email Marketing

With a nod to her secret weapon, Klaviyo, Jane has crafted an email marketing strategy that tends to the Millwoods community with the care of a master shoemaker. The invaluable collaboration with Sam, their Klaviyo maestro, has produced a significant chunk of their revenue – and listeners, here's a reminder to nurture your email subscribers like the VIPs they are in your eCommerce saga.

Facebook Ads: The Vanguard of Millwoods Traffic and Sales

Jane spotlights Facebook as the workhorse driving her brand’s traffic and sales. It’s a tale of strategic investment where Facebook ads aren't just adverts but are woven into the broader narrative of building an email list – the golden goose of lead generation. Competitions, discounts, style guides, and early access to collections, all beckon customers to join the Millwoods email fiefdom, underscoring the potency of an integrated marketing ecosystem.

The Art of Pivoting and Product Quality in eCommerce Craftsmanship

Listeners, have you ever pondered the entrepreneurial pivot? For Jane, a pivot towards women's shoes, marked by the debut of the Linton loafer, catalysed Millwoods's ascent. This pivot expresses the vital eCommerce mantra: discovering and scaling your ‘unicorn’ product is essential. Jane's insistence on high product quality and a firm belief in her vision underscores the chutzpah needed to thrive in the competitive digital marketplace.

The Rollercoaster of Running a Business: Resilience and Teamwork

In this entrepreneurial odyssey, Jane confides about the early struggles of venturing into retail and e-commerce without prior experience. It’s a narrative replete with delivery delays, cash flow management quandaries, and the relentless persistence required to surmount them. Pivotal to this journey have been her collaborators, Sam and Lauren, who've added their expertise to the mix, echoing the episode's subtle lesson: behind every successful brand is a mosaic of teamwork.

Strategy for Growth: The Business as an Asset

I'd be remiss if I didn’t stress the episode’s strategic insights: Viewing your business as an asset and preparing it for eventual sale. This mindset shift is non-negotiable for forward-thinking entrepreneurs. It demands reinvestment into the asset and ensuring that a robust and well-equipped team supports the brand's strategy. Despite the stress and funding challenges, this perspective keeps the end goal of growth and sale in sight – a beacon for when the going gets tough.

The Digital and Personal Balancing Act

As business owners, the interplay between our professional pursuits and personal well-being is an ever-present motif. Jane and I navigate this landscape, acknowledging the toll business can take and the yearning for a balance that allows us to eventually step back when the brand is ripe for sale. It’s about crafting a business that not only flourishes but also caters to our aspirations for freedom, flexibility, and family.

Through all this, Jane keeps her work close to home–quite literally. Working from her farm, she brings rural charm to the hustle of international commerce, proving that with the right vision, any location can birth a global business success story. The early mornings, the late nights, and the eternal pursuit of that elusive balance is part of the rollercoaster journey of entrepreneurship,

If the story of Millwoods resonates with you, and you're looking to elevate your own eCommerce tale, Jane's journey offers a template: harmonize digital marketing with operational tools, and above all, stay dynamic and resilient.

Connect with Jane


LinkedIn - Jane Robertson