How to stay sane during the pandemic

Right now it is so important to take one day at a time.

The level of uncertainty at the moment is worrying however, I want you to take a minute & just breath!

Today I’m jumping in to answer a couple of your q’s & share my advice on how to cope, as an online store owner, in the current situation and keep Staying Sane During the Pandemic.


  1. Do you think Coronavirus will have an effect on sales from online stores?

Now, this really does depend on your business model, the products you sell and your ideal customer… BUT, even during times of recession, people still want to feel good and if that’s ordering a pretty outfit online from the safety of their own home, so be it.

People can’t spend their money in the same ways they usually would. People can’t spend on nice holidays, eating out at nice restaurants, attending nightclubs, pubs, parties or theatre shows, so I predict online shopping will increase!

  1. How can I increase sales at this moment in time?

Right now I would encourage you to focus your marketing efforts on serving your current community, rather than a hard sell.  Be sure to adapt your messaging to be relevant and sensitive to the current situation.

I would also encourage you to take this time to build on & nurture the relationship you already have with your existing customers through social media, newsletters & your paid ads.  Share relevant and valuable content with your existing community and strengthen the connection you already have with them.

Content consumption will be on the rise so NOW is the time to prioritize producing quality, valuable content to build a connection with your audience.


My Top Tips for Staying Sane During the Pandemic

– Shop locally, online when & where you can so we can continue to support our local small businesses.

– If you need to self-isolate, take the time to build on your current knowledge or learn something new. There are tons of online courses & resources for you to access for free out there. Here are some of my free trainings if you fancy a gander.

– Show kindness, check on your neighbours & be there for those who need you.

– Start meditating, if you haven’t already, to stay calm during this time.

– Host Virtual parties or chats with your friends & family using Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp Video Calls.

– Finally, stay safe & take it one day at a time!