5 Time Management Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

Successfully launching an online business can require wearing many hats, but as your business starts to grow, the burden of trying to stay on top of everything can quickly become overwhelming.

Have you ever noticed that half a day can pass and all you have done is respond to emails? This happens to my clients when they don't have a plan in place to manage their day.

The difference between 'just-surviving' as an entrepreneur and a THRIVING entrepreneur is time management and efficiency. 

1. Scheduling

Put it in your diary. Add it to your calendar.

What gets scheduled gets done.

Even if you think you have the best memory in the world, chances are it will only be a matter of time before things start to slip through the cracks.

Avoid waking up in the middle of the night in a panic because you forgot to send that important email, or hit go on a order. Schedule it in and know it will get done.

Pro Tip: Use a scheduling tool that works for you. Pen & paper, google calendars, outlook, project management platforms or a cute little notebook you carry around.


2. Check emails during set times

Allocate set times to complete daily tasks. One of my go-to strategies is to only check emails at specific times and to get through as many as I can at that moment. I then don't look at it again until my next scheduled time slot.

Have you ever noticed that when you give yourself a deadline, you can complete the work in that timeframe, but if there is no deadline it can take two or three times longer?

Leverage this for managing your email. Give yourself an hour. Review your emails and respond ONLY to the urgent ones first. Mark the less urgent emails and respond to them once the urgent items are handled, or in your next allocated email time slot.

Don't let email run your life! It's time to take back control!

3. Prioritise

We can often be very busy without being productive. Smaller less important tasks will always pop up - the key to time efficiency is making sure you prioritise your tasks and completing the highest priority items ALWAYS (or first if that is easier). Then circle back to the lower priority items.

Some of my clients prefer to spend some time in the morning thinking about all the things they need to get done and identify their top 3 priorities for that day. Other clients like to jot down their list the night before. Go with a time slot that works for you - and if something new pops up - instead of jumping on it immediately, stop and think about whether this is a higher priority item then one of your original three, or if this can be added to the lower priority list. Then assign accordingly.

Just like scheduling - when you know your high priority items are getting addressed first, you will feel a lot less overwhelmed.

Nothing feels as good as 'done' when you look back over your list for the day.

Pro Tip: Didn't get your tasks quiet done in a day? No problem - carry them over to the next day. I have two lists. One is my daily task list with the priorities noted and the other is my bigger longer-term priorities.


4. Automate

Do you notice anything repeating during your day? Are you sending the same responses or completing the same tasks on a daily basis? It's time to look at automation!

Are you repeating emails - time to explore the world of email automation and autoresponders.

Completing the same tasks multiple times a day - it might be time to explore an automated system or outsourcing.

If you are repeating the task, it can most likely be automated. And don't think automation is restricted only to email activity. Automation can include anything from managing clients, payments, bookings, fulfilments, collecting reviews + feedback, and customer service.


5. Take regular breaks

This may the last thing you would expect to find in an article sharing time management tips, however taking a break is key to staying fresh, focused and productive.

Schedule your breaks where possible and TAKE THEM!

This tip is the hardest to follow for many of my favourite personality types - the perfectionists.

Often we will work for hours without taking a single step away from our computer.

The human mind cannot stay focused and productive for long periods of time. This has been scientifically proven countless times. Although there is much debate on how long we can maintain focus (anything from 20 mins to 90 mins) the key point is that you need to take a break between focused sessions of activity to allow the mind to stretch and re-focus when you return.

Take a walk around the block. Play with your pets. Catch up on a couple of short chores around the home or the office. Make yourself a pot of tea and enjoy it.


Do you have a favourite time management tip? I'd love to hear it! You can reach me at [email protected]