4 Tips For Creating Highly Converting Copy

Have you taken all the steps to increase your website traffic but are wondering why your customer's are still not clicking the all-powerful "add to cart" button?

With these 4 easy to implement tips, you can create high converting copy for your online store including product descriptions, promotions and more!

Ready to get started?

Let's go!

High Converting Copy -Keep it conversational:

Does your product description interests you? Most product descriptions I come across these days are awful or worse, non-existent.  Most people think product descriptions seem minor, compared to hero imagery or a value proposition, however, for switched-on brands it's a way of weaving brand personality and added value immediately.

So how do I make product descriptions interesting, I hear you ask?

My answer; describe the product the way you would to a friend?

If it doesn't SOUND like how you would describe the product to a close friend, then it probably needs some extra love.

An especially great example of a brand doing this well is Nasty Gal. All their product names and descriptions sound like you are having a conversation with your bestie! They don't just sell shoes, they sell " Sweet thang heels" using language that resonates with their target audience.


High Converting Copy - Power words:

Speechwriters have sprinkled these into many notable speeches throughout history -  the great news is, you can use them too in your product description copy!

Here is a list of 595 power words you can look to incorporate here.

But what is a power word? In its simplest form, a power word is a word that triggers an emotional response. Used in a phrase this can become a powerful sales tool in your bag of tactics.

I do suggest using them thoughtfully when used to excess, they can deter customers rather than engaging them.

While drafting your product descriptions, look for words or opportunities where you could inject a little more life. Then play with adding a power word and then read it out loud to hear how it sounds.

Remember - the description needs to sound like it would if you were telling your friends about the product for the first time.

High Converting Copy - Scannable copy:

Do customers really read production descriptions?

Let's be real! We all skim to the good stuff, on occasion!

Scannable copy is text that is easy for a customer to skim read or find what they are most interested in easily. Statistically, online shoppers only read about 15% of your copy so the best way to make sure you turn your viewer into a happy shopper is to present the information in scannable pieces.

Include bullet points, headings, sub-headings, line breaks and any other formatting that will break up your copy and highlight key points.

High Converting Copy - Optimise for SEO

Almost everything you do on your website, especially anything that involves copy, needs to be SEO optimised.

But how? By incorporating keywords in a meaningful way of course!

Now I know your next question... how do I know what keywords to use?

There are powerful tools to help you. Shopify makes a recommendation here that may be helpful, but I generally use trusty Google.

Google Analytics will provide you with some keyword insights in terms of acquisition (aka How people found your site) which can be helpful. If some keywords are performing quite well, you may like to double down on those for a period of time and measure the results.


The other method I play with is looking at the autofill responses in Google when I start typing words such as "Kimono" or "Kaftan" to see what type of search phrases and words people are looking for.

Google will autofill with the top 5.

If you search for a keyword, for example, "Kimono" - have a look at the bolded terms under each search result. This can also be leveraged for your own keyword research.

Keywords can be (should be) included in your page title, alt tags on images, and your product descriptions as a minimum.

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