4 e-commerce emails you need to configure now!

Thanks to user-friendly platforms like Shopify, it has become completely possible to launch an E-Commerce website overnight, however, I have noticed an increasing number of clients forgetting to put in place some of the simple configurations to make your customer gets the best online shopping experience from you.

Whether you use Shopify, Woo-Commerce, Zoey, Magento or a completely custom solution, the following outlines the 4 Emails you need to have in place BEFORE you hit the launch button!

Let's dive in...

 Order Confirmation

This may sound simple but too often I see sites using a template or default text and imagery in their order confirmation emails. All E-Commerce platforms will provide the option to customise your Order Confirmation Comms with customers. Here are a few things I recommend you include:

  • Logo
  • Contact Information
  • Brand colours on page elements

Order Confirmation emails allow you to also provide some recommended products that may be similar to related to the products you customer just purchased. I highly recommend you use this precious screen real estate by including products that include great-looking images, include the product title, perhaps event the price and make sure you have an option to either "View" or "Buy Now."

Shipping Confirmation

Similar to the Order Confirmation, this is a standard email that E-Commerce platforms provide but its always worth checking that is enabled, and that it reflects the overall tone of voice for your brand.

As a minimum, your shipping confirmation email should provide a tracking number once the order has been shipped, along with a link for the customer to view the up to date tracking details.

I also encourage my clients to add a line that says "Please allow up to 24 hours for your updated shipping information to be displayed" as often couriers and shipping providers have a delay.

Include a link to your shipping policy on your website for them to reference if the order is delayed. And include an option to contact your company should the package go missing in transit.

Lastly - utilise this high open rate email to include a promotional offer. This could be a discount code or an upcoming sale. Include a clear call to action button so your customer can act quickly.

Account Confirmation

When a customer very kindly hands over their email address BEFORE they have made a purchase, it is a legal requirement in Australia to send a confirmation email. Too often people overlook the opportunity this little email provides. Yes, most E-Commerce platforms or CRM Platforms have default e-commerce emails in place for confirming an account, but take the time to personalise it to provide a fantastic introduction to your brand. Craft some clever wording, include brand colours and your logo, perhaps even include an incentive for them to confirm, such as a discount code if they proceed.

I recommend also include all your social media profile links - perhaps as icons, or small images across the button - so the customer can connect with you on their preferred platform.

Once your customer has confirmed, I would suggest having a welcome email sequence in place that is triggered automatically once confirmation is received. This would be 1 or 2 e-commerce emails providing an overview of the brand, it's history and perhaps sharing some testimonials from happy customers.

Abandon Cart Emails

If you have not yet read my blog post here I recommend popping over there now. In my blog post, I break down all the elements for creating a high converting Abandon Cart Email.

If you are not familiar with abandon cart emails, these generally arrive the same day you have added an item to the cart but NOT checked out. The purpose of this enticing little email is to remind the customer that they did not complete their checkout and to make it very easy for them to do so immediately.

It's also a great opportunity to showcase some related products and to convey some brand personality in the messaging. Check out my blog post here for some great examples.

Need help with maximising your Online Store Conversions?

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