3 quick easter campaign ideas to drive sales

Easter is only days away, and if you haven’t put together any Easter campaign ideas to drive sales - it’s not too late.

It doesn’t have to be anything super lavish or special, but riding the bandwagon of Easter goodwill and relaxation is key to making some last-minute sales.

Every Easter shows a significant rise on year-on-year spending, with 2021 expected to be no different. In fact, with borders closed and the economy back on the rise, locals are expected to spend more than ever on festivities.

Don’t you want a slice of that pie? Here are three quick-fire Easter campaign ideas to implement before the chocolate-induced celebrations begin.

Use your emails to spread goodwill

Easter is about family time, making memories and ultimately being together. If this in any way aligns with your branding, make the most of it.

Use images of celebration and unity to inspire feelings of connection, and then simply weave your product range into this.

Personally, I’m making sure a signed letter-style email goes out to my audience wishing them a great Easter period, thanking them for their patronage so far and then throwing in a cheeky discount to encourage them to treat themselves over the break.

Create a specialised, Easter-themed landing page

This one can be done in mere minutes: create a landing page (a simple collection if you use an eCommerce platform) to show all of your Easter-themed items in one place.

You can make it as design-heavy as you wish, or simply pick a relevant keyword (‘easter gifts’, ‘last-minute easter gifts for family’, ‘easter item to take to family gathering’ - do your research) and then publish.

Use this in any relevant marketing over the period so it’s easy for your customers to access.

Run an Easter-themed ad campaign

Use that collection or landing page to set up a timed ad set with any Easter-themed products, imagery and copy and push a little money behind it to your target audience.

You won’t target any super organised Nancies with these ones but the last-minute crew who forgot to get something for that gathering are ideal.

... or those sitting at home scrolling, unable to move from their chocolate and hot cross bun gluttony, might be your target audience? Would a 20% one-day-only-treat-yourself sale do the trick?

Perhaps reminding your audience that they’re still getting paid (provided you have insight that they’re working folk) to access that righteous “I deserve this!” response?

Whatever you do, doing something is better than nothing, and these 3 quick Easter campaign ideas to drive sales for your online business may just get you a few extra customers you wouldn’t otherwise have. Happy Easter and happy selling.

Need help with other campaign ideas to drive sales? Let's chat.
