10 Things to Look for When Searching for an e-commerce Coach

Choosing the right e-commerce coach can be a game-changer for your online business. Whether you're just starting out or trying to scale, having the right guidance can help you avoid common pitfalls and fast-track your success. But with so many coaches out there, how do you know who’s the right fit for you?

Here are 10 things to look for when searching for an e-commerce coach:

1. Experience in e-commerce

Make sure the coach has firsthand experience running a successful online store. Look for someone who has navigated the highs and lows of building and scaling an e-commerce business. I personally built my fashion brand, iland co., from a weekend market stall to a 7-figure business, so I know the challenges and rewards firsthand.


2. Proven Track Record

A good e-commerce coach should be able to show you results, both in their own business and through their clients. Testimonials, case studies, and success stories can give you a clear idea of what they can help you achieve. Don’t be afraid to ask potential coaches about their track record of helping others grow.


3. Understanding of Your Niche

Not all e-commerce businesses are the same. Some coaches specialise in specific industries, such as fashion, beauty, or handmade products. Make sure the coach you choose understands your niche and can tailor their advice to your unique needs. If they’ve worked with businesses similar to yours, that’s a huge plus.


4. A Holistic Approach

Look for a coach who takes a well-rounded approach to your business. E-commerce success isn’t just about having a pretty website—it’s about understanding product selection, pricing, conversion optimisation, traffic generation, and more. A coach who understands every aspect of running an online store can help you build a sustainable and profitable business.


5. Specialisation in Key Areas

Your coach should be an expert in areas that are crucial to your success, such as marketing, ads, or website optimisation. For example, I offer specialised coaching in Facebook ads through my Facebook advertising course, which teaches you how to run profitable ads that drive sales.

6. Clear and Actionable Advice

The best coaches don’t just talk about theory—they give you clear, actionable steps to take. You want someone who can break things down into manageable tasks so that you can implement changes right away and see measurable results.

7. Honesty and Realism

You need a coach who’s not afraid to tell you what you need to hear, even if it’s uncomfortable. They should be honest about the hard work and dedication required to build a successful online store. Avoid coaches who promise overnight success or use flashy tactics—they’re often too good to be true.

8. Support and Accountability

A great coach will keep you on track and hold you accountable for reaching your goals. Check what kind of support they offer. Is it one-on-one? Group coaching? Do they offer additional resources like ecommerce courses? Knowing the type of ongoing support you’ll receive is key to staying motivated and achieving success.


9. Up-to-Date Knowledge

E-commerce is always evolving, and the best coaches stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and strategies. You want someone who is continually learning and adapting so that their advice remains relevant. Whether it's new platforms, changing algorithms, or emerging marketing techniques, your coach should keep you ahead of the curve.


10. A Connection and Shared Values

Last but not least, you need to feel a connection with your coach. Trust and communication are critical for a successful coaching relationship. Make sure your values align, and that you feel comfortable asking questions and discussing challenges with them. If you resonate with their approach, it’s a good sign they’ll be able to help you succeed.


Finding the right e-commerce coach can be the difference between staying stuck and reaching new heights with your online store. If you’re ready to take the next step, I’d love to help. With my experience as a 7-figure e-commerce founder and online business coach, I can provide the tools and strategies you need to scale your business successfully.

Feel free to reach out to discuss how we can work together!